Pastor's Pen 9.8.2019

Pastor’s Pen for Sunday, September 8, 2019

“Yet who knows whether you have come to the 
kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14b

In Such A Time As This

Strategic, critical and oh so vital,
Living for Jesus is more than a title,
In such a time as this!

One word can change a life,
One word can ease pain, end strife,
In such a time as this!

That word is His glorious name,
Yesterday, today and forever the same,
For such a time as this!  

For so much is being said,
From the lips of the spiritually dead,
In such a time as this!

Voices loud, all abound,
No peace to be found,
In such a time as this!

But God has brought us here,
His living message will end fear,
In such a time as this!

So arise, live bold,
Truth in love we behold,
In such a time as this!

Jesus has a plan,
It can change every woman and man,
In such a time as this!

And you and I are part,
So let revival start,
In such a time as this!

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